About DecodeMonk
Install the Math Olympian in your child.
We’ll help you to do that .
Hello parents,
Welcome to our website! As fellow parents, we understand the joys and challenges of raising children. It was during our child’s journey through Grade 2 that my husband and I discovered our shared passion for exploring and engaging in various Mathematical Competitions around the globe. Our goal was simple yet profound: to equip our child with a strong foundation in Mathematics.
Drawing upon my skills as a web developer and freelancer, we decided to create a platform where we could consolidate and share the wealth of knowledge we gained from these competitions. We started by preparing replicas of the competition questions, lovingly referring to them as “Papa’s Olympiad.” Our child enthusiastically solved these questions, and we witnessed a remarkable transformation—a newfound love for mathematics ignited within our little one. Not only did our child excel in popular Indian Math competitions like SOF-IMO, NSTSE, but also in prestigious global competitions like SASMO, SEAMO, and AIMO. We realized that these competitions play a vital role in empowering young minds to think critically and reason logically.
Motivated by our own experiences, we built a small team to develop comprehensive mock tests and provide tutoring services. While teachers excel at covering conceptual learning, we specialize in mentoring students for “Truly Global Level Mathematical Competitions.” Our mock tests simulate the actual exam environment with timed sessions, allowing students to gain valuable experience and confidence. To ensure a seamless learning experience, we provide detailed solutions for each test after the test is submitted. Parents and teachers can assist younger students in Grades 2 and 3, while older students from Grade 4 onwards can handle the tests independently.Our mock tests serve as a valuable supplement to existing math courses and can be utilized by math tutors, parents, and educators alike.
Did you know that having a solid understanding and interest in mathematics can greatly enhance your child’s ability to learn coding? Mathematics provides a strong foundation for problem-solving, logical thinking, and algorithmic reasoning, all of which are essential skills in the world of coding. As we look towards the future, coding has become an indispensable skill for the upcoming generation.
I’m excited to share with you the journey of my own child, who began learning to code in Grade 3, starting with popular platforms like MIT’s Scratch and Python. With time and practice, my child delved deeper into the world of Competitive Programming. By Grade 6, he is successfully participating in and excelling in competitions like ZIO (Zonal Informatics Olympiad) and ZCO (Zonal Computing Olympiad), which serve as significant milestones on the path to the prestigious IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics).
By nurturing an early interest in coding and combining it with a solid foundation in mathematics, we can empower our children to unlock a world of endless possibilities. The fusion of mathematical knowledge and coding skills opens up avenues for innovation, problem-solving, and creative thinking.
So, whether your child has already shown an affinity for mathematics or you’re just beginning to explore the world of coding together, rest assured that the two go hand in hand, providing a solid basis for success in the digital age. By nurturing these skills, we can equip our children with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world..
We believe in the power of collaboration and invite those who share our passion for solving and mentoring young minds to join us on this journey. If you are a parent, tutor, or educator interested in contributing or seeking support, we encourage you to reach out to us.
You can reach us conveniently through Whatsapp, or feel free to give us a call at 8240359327 from 7PM to 10PM.
Dear parents and students, you may go through my following blogs to unleash and empower your inherent interest in Mathematics and coding :
1) Why encourage your child to participate in Math Olympiads ?
2) List of Mathematical Contests – to get a comprehensive list of Mathematical contests for school children.
3) “Why Kids should learn coding ?” to get more insightful information about learning to code and its benefits..
4) Why Singapore Math Olympiads ? Part-1 and Why Singapore Math Olympiads ? Part-2 : to get insight on how Singapore Math helps to build mathematical foundations and their applications in a better way.
Finally, thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to embarking on this exciting journey of combining mathematics and coding together thus paving the way for our children’s bright future.
Feel free to contact us through contact-page or Whatsapp.
Thanks and Regards.